I’m a caregiver

take car keys; tell parent they can’t drive; unsafe to drive

When it comes to driving, caregivers can play an important role by helping seniors find and use resources designed to keep them driving safely for as long as possible. Caregivers can also help seniors determine when or if they need to set limits on or retire from driving. It is important to keep in mind that drivers do not become unsafe simply because they have gotten older. Each driver is unique and his or her particular abilities and circumstances need to be considered when making decisions about safe transportation. As you read through the information on this website, keep three important things in mind: 1) start early 2) talk often and 3) apply this information to your own driving, when appropriate (after all, we are all getting older!). These three points can help both you and your loved one work through this transition and improve the odds of driving safely for as long as possible.

How to Help an Aging Driver

Information on evaluating driving, the effects of aging, alternative transportation, and how to talk with your loved one about safe driving and driving retirement.

Older Driver Related NC Licensing

North Carolina specific information about licensing, including Medical Review and license renewal.

Resources for Caregivers

Resources aimed at caregivers who are taking an active role in ensuring the safety of both the aging driver and other road users.